среда, 5 декабря 2018 г.

Speech Structure: Building the Body and Polishing the Conclusion 

Building the Body
I was asked to try and extract the outline from the speech (I've chosen https://www.ted.com/talks/ramsey_musallam_3_rules_to_spark_learning). 

“3 rules to spark learning” 
by Ramsey Musallam at TED Talks Education
Purpose Statement: The purpose of this speech is to give 3 rules to spark imagination and learning, and get students excited about how the world works.

1. Have you ever found yourself at a restaurant spacing out just doing this (experiment with a tube) over and over? 
    A. Students were asked to try and explain why it happened. 
         a) following conversations and questions were fascinating. 
    B. Video sent by Maddie.
         a) continuation of research at home. 
         b) Maddie's curiosity took her to a new level.
2. Such questions and curiosity are magnets that draw us towards our teacher.
    C. They transcend all technology or buzzwords in education.
        a) if we place these technologies before student inquiry, we can be robbing ourselves of students' questions.
      b) if we have the guts to confuse our students, perplex them, evoke real questions, we have information that can be used to tailor robust and informed methods of blended instructions. 
   D. It took a life-threatening situation to snap out of pseudo-teaching and realize that student questions are the seeds of real learning.     

1. Where did the surgeon get the confidence, the audacity of it? 
     A. His curiosity drove him to ask hard questions.
          a) about the procedure.
          b) about what worked.
          c) about what did not work.
     B. He embraced, and didn't fear, the messy process of trial and error, the inevitable process of trial and error.
2. Absorption from words of wisdom and writing down three rules.
    A. Curiosity comes first. 
         a) questions can be windows to great instruction, but not the other way around. 
    B. Embrace the mess. 
         a) trial and error can be an informal part of what we do.
    C. Practice reflection. 
3. How will teachers grow the curiosity?

1. A new paradigm: teachers as cultivators of curiosity and inquiry.

Polishing the Conclusion 
Now I have to write a conclusion for the speech.
(The task: https://nspupublicspeaking.blogspot.com/2018/11/speech-structure-building-body-and.html)

Concluding, I would like to say that you must not be afraid of speaking. But it is necessary to choose what to say and think twice before saying something in order not to hurt somebody's feelings. Also, you should express exactly what you are thinking of. Everybody should understand what you say, what you think, and what you want. And the last but not least, listen to others and you will absolutely learn new things. 
Unfortunately, there are not many people who can communicate effectively. Why not to develop our communication skills? Work on your skills, do your best and you will succeed. 

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