воскресенье, 16 декабря 2018 г.


My dear readers,
I am sooooo sorry for not being in touch for so long I was very busy with my internship. Fortunately, now I am ready to share my impressions about completing challenge №5 which was to ask a stranger for help (in fact, it is the 4th challenge in the list of 10 things that I find challenging to do but I have already complete the 8th task). 
Some weeks ago I was walking through the local mall and in one shop I found a sweater that I liked very much. But there was one problem... How to choose between two beautiful colours? I spent almost 20 minutes choosing between two identical sweaters of different colours but I could not decide which one to buy. So, it occurred to me that I could ask a pretty lady standing next to me and thereby kill two birds with one stone: choose the sweater to buy and complete the challenge for my blog. It was quite easy for me to ask her to help me. There was no embarrassment and discomfort. But it was not so easy for that lady to decide which colour suits me more. She was a bit surprised and confused. All in all, I decided to buy the sweater which was advised by that lady. 


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