воскресенье, 28 октября 2018 г.


Hi everybody,

Ordering a delivery as well as something connected with telephoning somebody to ask for something you need seems to be an easy matter. But I absolutely disagree with it. I believe I have this fear because sometimes I am really shy person who do not want to communicate with strangers. This fear is based on my thinking that unfamiliar person on the other end of the line will be impolite to me or that I will not succeed in getting my thoughts across, so I will remain misunderstood.

It is the end of the 3rd challenging week and as you could guess I had to overcome this fear.

On Friday I had a little party with my best friend. It was I who telephoned and ordered the food delivery. I just called to one restaurant and had them deliver some sushi. I was relieved when the call ended. The woman, who answered the phone, was kind to me. The delivery was quick enough. And the food was quite nice too.

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