воскресенье, 28 октября 2018 г.

My final persuasive speech

Today I have to choose the topic for my final persuasive speech. Also, I have to write down the purpose and set out the objectives.
Core statement: Be proactive in all you want to achieve. It pays off in the end.
The purpose of my topic: Persuade my audience that being proactive person really helps to achieve  stated goals and live a better life.
The objectives: 1. Tell people what being proactive means. 2. Share some methods to become proactive person.


Hi everybody,

Ordering a delivery as well as something connected with telephoning somebody to ask for something you need seems to be an easy matter. But I absolutely disagree with it. I believe I have this fear because sometimes I am really shy person who do not want to communicate with strangers. This fear is based on my thinking that unfamiliar person on the other end of the line will be impolite to me or that I will not succeed in getting my thoughts across, so I will remain misunderstood.

It is the end of the 3rd challenging week and as you could guess I had to overcome this fear.

On Friday I had a little party with my best friend. It was I who telephoned and ordered the food delivery. I just called to one restaurant and had them deliver some sushi. I was relieved when the call ended. The woman, who answered the phone, was kind to me. The delivery was quick enough. And the food was quite nice too.

четверг, 25 октября 2018 г.

Heuristic Methods and Creative Writing

Hi there,

This week I am going to complete some tasks which help me to create a neat speech. 

Warm ups 
"One letter" excercise
I need to think about a letter and name as many objects as possible that start with this letter.

V - vegetable, veteran, velvet, vanilla, vitamin, vaccine, vampire, villa, violin, volcano. 

"Random words" excercise
I need to go to the website https://www.textfixer.com/tools/random-words.php, generate 5 random words, pick a few random words and try to and tie them together in the most imaginative way possible.

Here is these words: hell, blonde, long, memory, pregnant.
Today I had a dream that I had gone to hell. But instead of the devil there was a woman with long blonde hair. She stole my memory and compelled me that I am pregnant.

Creative writing prompts
1. What if...
I need to imagine a problematic situation and think of possible (or impossible) solutions. 
What if there were no desks in the classrooms, but only beanbags? 
- Children would use laptops instead of notebooks.
- The atmospehere in classrooms would be more friendly. 
- Children would wear pyjamas.
- Classrooms would look modern and fasionable. 
- Pupils would not pay proper attention to studies. 
- Pupils would be more enthusiastic. 
- Teachers would use more active excercises in class.

2. Six Thinking Hats
I need to formulate ideas for my speech, create a topic sentence and challenge my brain to think in six different directions.
Speech: "How many foreign languages should be taught to students in schools?"
Topic sentence: Students should be taught one foreign language in schools. 
White thinking hat (it covers facts, figures, information needs, gaps): It is easier to concentrate on studying only one foreign language and learn it properly and get a high score.
Red thinkinh hat (it covers intuition, feelings, emotions): When you know one foreign language well, you get inspired to learn other languages for pleasure. 
Black thinking hat (the hat of judgement and logic): Teaching students more than only one language will help them to become more diverse, to improve their memory. 
Yellow thinking hat (optimism): Learning only one foreing language student will know it better rather then learning two or more in an instant. 
Green thinking hat (creativity, alternatives, proposals, provocations, changes): You would crack a jokes which would be understood by native speakers.
Blue thinking hat (overview, analysis): Proper knowledge of one foreign language is much better than superficial knowledge of several languages.

воскресенье, 21 октября 2018 г.


Hi there!

I hope you are doing well.

It is high time to share that I have done my 2nd challenge from the list of 10 social things that I find challenging to do.   

The challenge was to ask for change in a shop. It may seem easy to perform but not for me. 
I decided to break my piggy bank and go in search of a shop where I could change coins for banknotes. I did not try to change my money in the first shop, because there was a huge queue at the checkout. Fortunately, the second shop accepted my offer with pleasure. It took me and the assistant about half an hour to count all those coins. We had a quite nice talk. At first I felt uncomfortable, a bit embarrassed because I had destracted the assistant from her work. All in all, that feeling was replaced by the feeling that I did that shop good. There was nothing to worry about. 

четверг, 18 октября 2018 г.

Clarifying your purpose UPDATED

In chapter 3.1. Clarifying Your Purpose in my course book, I am given the following questions to ask yourself before starting a speech:
- Why should I want to talk about this?
- Why should anybody want to listen to me?
- What single message would I want to put across?
- What need in the audience do I want to have satisfied when I have finished speaking?
- When they all walk away what state would I like them to leave in?

Today I am going to imagine that I am asked to give a speech on some topics, consider the Wh-questions mentioned above to clarify the purpose of each speech and write down my answers to each question. 

Speech 1. 
I am a primary school teacher. I should give a speech to my third graders on the following topic: “Why children should listen to their parents.”
- Why should I want to talk about this?
Obedience is a way that enables a person to develop his or her abilities.
Our parents are the very first our teachers. And children should listen to their parents in order not to become thoughtless, unwise and miserable persons, but to develop their inherent talents.
- Why should anybody want to listen to me?
Because being in good relationships with parents and respecting their point of view will help people to live a better life, not to meet many problems or easily solve them with the support of their parents.
- What single message would I want to put across?
I want to put across the message that everybody should respect their parents’ point of view because they are  people who want the best for you and really care about you.
- What need in the audience do I want to have satisfied when I have finished speaking?
I want my third graders to understand that their parents will help them not to become thoughtless, unwise and miserable persons and that they should listen to their parents, appreciate and follow their advises.
- When they all walk away what state would I like them to leave in?
I would like them to leave in good mood, full of respect for their parents.

Speech 2.
I am working as a team leader in a summer language camp with high school students from the whole region. On the second day I am noticing that some guys and girls hesitate to meet new people or make friends within the team. I decide to take action and give a talk to my team stating “You will learn most from friends that are different from you.”
- Why should I want to talk about this?
Because I want these guys and boys to understand that there is nothing to worry about getting acquainted with new people.
- Why should anybody want to listen to my speech?
Because these guys and girls do not feel comfortable in the team.
- What single message would I want to put across?
I want to put across the message that it may be interesting and very useful to communicate with other people. 
- What need in the audience do I want to have satisfied when I have finished speaking?
I want all these guys and girls to be open to new pleasant and useful acquaintances.
- When they all walk away what state would I like them to leave in?
I want them to leave in good mood, full of desire to communicate and make friends.

Speech 3.
I am taking part at 2018 World Champion of Public Speaking “Toastmasters” and I am going to give a speech “Embarrassing moments make you stronger.”
- Why should I want to talk about this?
I want to inspire myself, as well as other people, not to be afraid of embarrassing moments.
- Why should anybody want to listen to my speech?
It is important to learn more about causes of occurrences of these moments and their importance. 
- What single message would I want to put across?
I want to put across the message that embarrassing moments are essential part of our life and they may make us stronger and more confident, give us some experience. 
- What in the audience do I want to have satisfied when I have finished speaking?
I want them not to be afraid of looking embarrassed. 
- When they all walk away what state would I like them to leave in?
I would like them to leave in mood, full of feeling that they must not to be afraid of looking embarrassed because it is absolutely normal and it makes us stronger.

I think that these questions are pretty basic but answering them helps not only state the purpose of your talk but also give you some ideas how to structure your speech and what points are crucial to mention.

I was asked to watch following performances and identify the possible objectives each speaker has set.

1. Ken Robinson “Bring on the learning revolution!” at TED2010 https://www.ted.com/talks/sir_ken_robinson_bring_on_the_revolution
2. Zifang Su “Turn around”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKVTzuvjEpg
3. Matthew McConaughey – winner’s speech at the86th Oscars in 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD2cVhC-63I 

Performance №1
Make the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized learning. Tell about the need of creating conditions where kid's natural talents can flourish. 

Performance №2
Tell about the importance of stopping being afraid and turning around to the world.

Performance №3
Thank the family and God. Share thoughts on what you need to chase providing personal examples.  

воскресенье, 14 октября 2018 г.


Hello everybody!

I am happy to share my impressions about doing the first task from the list of 10 social things that I find challenging to do. I put the list in order from the easiest to the hardest thing. So, the first task was the easiest one. 
To be honest, I was a bit awkward but I did not spend so much effort and energy to ask for a stop in the route taxi. I just imagined that all of these strangers in the rout taxi are my friends, picked myself up and did it. 

Useful tips to overcome stage fright

Dear readers,

I am going to describe some strategies  how to overcome stage fright.
The first strategy is to associate speaking with fun. What does it mean? We should practice our speeches in pleasant surroundings, get relaxed and just have fun. Your brain must associate "talking with people" to having a party with friends or having a cozy family dinner.
Exaggerate your symptoms. Will the body automatically produce a symptom that you are doing consciously? Of course, it will not. For example, start breathing rapidly on purpose, shake your legs, blink rapidly, scowl and so on. You can then stop it on purpose, but your body will not start up the automatic system again. 
And the last but not least strategy is to exercise. Why is it so important? Because exercises not only reduce stress and help deal with muscle contractions, they also produce endorphins. I will try to workout the night before or morning of a big speech. They say that it will help to stay relaxed. 

Expected physiological reactions to stress or fear of public speaking

Stage fright... to overcome it you must realize that it is natural, a lot of people suffer from it. I bet you have ever had such feelings as upset stomach, dry mouth, cold hands, sweaty palms, squeaky voice, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, hot face and so on while speaking in public. Now I am going to describe one of my physiological reactions to fear of public speaking. 

Elevation of blood pressure is of interest for us. 
The healthy body reacts to stress with an elevated blood pressure in order to insure that nutrients and oxygen are distributed quickly and any poisons are flushed from the system. Heat builds up in the head, chest and stomach because in these areas major organs are being primed for action. The body must begin sweating in order not to overheat. Also, you can often feel the heart pumping more quickly than normal as it maintains the higher blood pressure. The sweat will appear in armpits, groin and forehead, as well as on the palms of your cold hands, leaving them with that nasty clammy feeling. 

Challenge myself


This week I have to combat stage fright. Actually... start doing it. That is why I was asked to make a list of 10 social things that I find challenging to do. I will meet one challenge a week to overcome my stage fright.
So here is this list:
1. Ask for a stop in the route taxi. 
2. Ask for change in a shop.
3. Order a delivery.
4. Ask a stranger for help.
5. Offer help to a stranger.
6. Ask a stranger in the street to take a photo of me and my friend.
7. Ask a stranger for a mobile phone.
8. Go on a weekend alone.
9. Take a photo with a stranger.
10. Pretend to be a foreigner and ask someone in the street how to get to somewhere in English.

It is worth challenging myself attempting to combat stage fright. I am very excited about this and looking forward to sharing my emotions with you.
All right, wish me luck. :)

суббота, 13 октября 2018 г.

Dear readers,

Last week I had to watch Top 3 speeches from "Toastmakers contest 2016" and choose one I like the most to evaluate it using the chart 10.2 "Public Speaking Evaluation Chart". So, now I am going to share my impressions on that.  

For analysis I have chosen Josephine Lee's speech. Why I have chosen it? It was her vocal presentation and the intriguing introduction that attracted me to watch the full length. 

1. Speech Content (45 points)
To my mind, such attention-getter as making a startling statement is used in the introduction. Josephine says "I will be there" and these four words are the title of her speech. Right after that she gives us a thesis statement of her speech. I believe that introduction is very effective. As clarity of the body, the information is highly recognized. I am not sure but the speaker uses the chronological pattern of organization which puts things in time sequence. She tells about her childhood with Jenna, then their college time and finally the time after Jenna's wedding. The body is coherent. The conclusion is very effective, it absolutely inspires, makes the audience to think and to consider the significance of the topic. I really enjoyed listening to this speech as it is a sincere, very emotional story of Josephine's personal life experience.
Organization - 20 points. Support - 15 points. Cohesion - 10 points.
2. Speech Delivery (20 points) 
Vocal presentation together with physical one is on high level. She worked with her volume, emphasis. Articulation was clear enough. Also, I liked the way she acted, performed one of her story about car driving. 
Vocal presentation - 20 points. Physical presentation - 20 points.
3. General Effectiveness (15 points)
I am convinced that the speaker made good use of time. The speech was neither too short, nor too long. It was creative and sincere.
15 points out of 15.
Total points: 100.
Hello everybody!

I am so sorry for not being in touch for so long. Last week I was asked to evaluate 3 persuasive speeches in my course book using chart 10.3 Evaluating Speech Content Component. Moreover, I had to determine the winner, which is always not easy for me. I think it is high time to do it now. Better late than never :)

Speech to persuade. Speech 1
1. Introduction (10 points max)
The author of this speech asks some questions. I think it is a technique which was used in the introduction. As for the link element, after asking his last question in introduction, the author starts to think over three things to answer them (later the author is going to describe each of these three things in more detail). I guess, these things may be considered as a kind of thesis statement. I would give 10 points out of 10 for the effectiveness of the introduction. 
2. Body (10 points max)
In my opinion, the information was highly organized (10 points). I am not really sure but topical pattern of organization was used in the body of the speech. There were no problems with understanding the information (10 points). Quality of point - support - lots of (8 points). I need more facts, may be personal examples and things like that (7 points). But still, it was coherent (10 points).
3. Conclusion (10 points max)
To my mind, the conclusion was effective enough (8 points). The author quote the American actress to sum all his speech up. 

Strength: I think that the tone and the nature of this speech determined the final appeal. Also, I really enjoy reading (or listening) logically structured speeches organized like this one.
Weakness: I like the example about the participants of the 2nd World War but I wish the author had provided more examples (may be personal ones) or had given us his stories. 

Speech 2
1. Introduction (10 points max)
The author uses the Somerset Maugham's words from "Of Human Bondage" as attention-getter and this leads him to his thesis (to my mind, this is a link element). The author gives the thesis by asking and answering a question. I would give 8 points out of 10 for the effectiveness of the introduction. 
2. Body (10 points max)
The information is highly organized (10 points). Climatic pattern of organization was used in the body of the speech.  I think so because the author presents the information in order of importance and pleasantness. There were no problems with understanding the information (10 points). Quality of point - support - lots of (9 points). The use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories - 8 points. It was coherent (10 points). 
3. Conclusion (10 points max)
The author quote Robert Frost. Final appeal inspires and motivates. Also, the speaker makes us answer the question too (9 points).

Strength: As I have already said, final appeal of this speech inspires and motivates. It is very important.
Weakness: I do not know what to say about the weakest points of the speech. 

Speech 3 
1. Introduction (10 points max)
The speaker quotes Steve Jobs. I am not sure about link element and thesis statement but he asks some questions and promises to share his opinion with us after telling the stories of his life. I think the introduction is quite intriguing (8 points).
2. Body (10 points max)
As for me, the information is highly organized (10 points). The speaker puts things in time sequence (childhood, school years, present time) - the chronological pattern of organization was used in the body of the speech. The information was understandable (10 points). Quality of point - support - 10 points. I appreciate personal examples or stories - 10 points. It was coherent (10 points). 
3.Conclusion (10 points max)
The author only asks a question. Therefore, the conclusion is not very effective (6 points). 

Strength: Sincere, personal and emotional stories. 
Weakness: Poor conclusion. 

According to this evaluation chart, speech 2 and 3 took the 1st place. The 2nd - speech 1. But as a reader I like the first speech the most.